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Locks are used on both the dumpsters and the recycling bin to keep bears out and dissuade them from looking for food in the neighborhood.  Please be sure to secure the chain latches after you using the dumpsters.

Recycling saves!  
By reducing our need for trash services, we not only save money but we can keep tons of material out of the landfills. The recycling dumpster can be found across the way from the mailboxes. 

If you have large items that you wish to have re-used, you can leave the items in the area behind the mailboxes.  However, if you place an item(s) and they are not taken within 7 days you are responsible for alternative arrangements, e.g., dropping them off at one of the several organizations in Durango.

In order to keep costs for this service minimal:
  • Do not place trash on top of or next to dumpsters.
  • NO large construction trash, excessive yard waste or move-in/move-out trash.
  • NO appliances or large electronics.